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Zotero and Juris-M: Share through groups

Group Libraries

Zotero's and Jurism's group features allow you to share references with other users online. 

Step 1: To create a shared library, click the Create Groups button near the top left of your Zotero or Juris-M window. 

A window will open in your default browser. If you are not logged into Zotero in your browser, you will be prompted to do so. 

Step 2: Name your group and choose a membership option before selection Create Group. (Note: You may change the membership type later.)

Step 3: Once you create your group, you will be taken to the Settings page for that group. Here you may change various settings.

Step 4: Select Members Settings to add collaborators. Select Send More Invitations to email collaborators to join your group. 

Step 5: Enter email addresses in the box (separated by commas) before clicking Invite Members.